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UDC 37
Kudryashova Irina Evgenyevna
MOU "Chismenskiy the basic comprehensive school"
primary school teacher of the highest category
MOU "Chismenskiy the basic comprehensive school"
primary school teacher of the highest category
The Russia of the twenty-first century is the flow of new information technologies, an age of rapid, intense new discoveries and the huge amount of information. It's time to change the ways and methods of teaching in Russian schools for the successful development of the students of this information, the development of new technologies. It is for the realization of these ideas and create new standards of education.
In the basis of GEF IEO lies system - active approach, which determines the ways and means to achieve socially desirable result personality and cognitive development of the students. The school is based on the development of universal educational action (UUD) should get the new student. Modern society needs educated, creative, moral and enterprising people. The principle difference of a modern approach is the orientation of the standards on the results of new educational programs. Under the results do not mean only subject knowledge, but the ability to apply this knowledge in practice. Especially acute now a question about the delivery of GUIA and the exam. With the introduction of the GEF, this problem will disappear by itself, because from the first grade children are learning to work with tests at the end of the year goes diagnostic work in several subjects: the child sees the result of their work.
Keywords: ability to apply knowledge, diagnostic work, lesson is the main form of training, motivation for learning, practical activity, practical and theoretical knowledge, result, standard of the second generation - GEF universal learning activities
Category: Pedagogics
Article reference:
From primary school GEF IEO for final certification // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2014. № 6 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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