UDC 316.624


Hajiyeva Christina Abdulnasirovna
Altai Academy of Economics and Law
Graduate student of social sciences and humanities department

The article presents the results of the self-relation peculiarities study of the adolescents with deviant behavior. At the heart of this research work there have been laid a hypothesis that the self-relation of the adolescents with deviant behavior in contrast to the adolescents without deviant behavior is characterized by the lower number of positive self-assessments. The study has been carried out on the sampling of adolescents at the age of 14-15 who are on record in the juvenile cases institutions.

Category: 3. Psychology

Article reference:
Self-relation of adolescents with deviant behavior // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 1 [Electronic journal]. URL: https://psychology.snauka.ru/en/2015/01/4228

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