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UDC 371.48
Kirsanova Svetlana Anatolevna
Moscow state Academy of municipal Services and construction
Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of law and Socio-Cultural Service Department
Moscow state Academy of municipal Services and construction
Candidate of pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of law and Socio-Cultural Service Department
The article is devoted to the secrets of raising children-the number of readers of the old believers and gives a new understanding of the reading problems of children today. it is particularly important that passing on the reading culture traditions in the old believer community took place in the framework of a coherent and continuous in time and uniform for the whole society and individual family, traditional culture. Therefore, the nature of the reading, and book culture, and specific methods of inculturation are fundamentally different from those in modern secular culture.
Keywords: book, book culture, evolutionary development, modernization development, old believers, principles and methods of inculturation, reading, traditional culture
Category: Pedagogics
Article reference:
Old believers' experience of passing on the reading culture // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 7 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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