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UDC 378.1; 371.3
Salomatin Andrey Gennadievich1, Svinarenko Vladimir Gennadievich2, Salomatina Elena Borisovna3
1Novokuznetsk filial-institute by Kemerovo State University, student
2National research nuclear University «MEPhI», Information and analytical Department, Management development advanced studies, head of information-analytical Department of the office of scientific research, Moscow, Russian Federation, senior engineer
3Municipal budgetary educational institution, "Secondary school № 49", Novokuznetsk, teacher of basics of life safety, Deputy Director of health and safety
1Novokuznetsk filial-institute by Kemerovo State University, student
2National research nuclear University «MEPhI», Information and analytical Department, Management development advanced studies, head of information-analytical Department of the office of scientific research, Moscow, Russian Federation, senior engineer
3Municipal budgetary educational institution, "Secondary school № 49", Novokuznetsk, teacher of basics of life safety, Deputy Director of health and safety
The article describes the possibility of building a culture of independent work of the individual in the model, the realization of ideas and pedagogical technologies health-savings. Theory and practice of building a culture of independent work in the structure determination and solution of the fundamental contradictions of the whole pedagogical process in the system of ideas of health-saving pedagogy and determines the ability of the productive formation of the teacher and the learner. Systematic search and solve problems of personal development and education promotes optimal search and find solutions and optimization solutions intrapersonal and polyculture-educational contradictions.
Keywords: culture independent work, health, humanism, pedagogical modeling, self-actualization, socialization
Category: Pedagogics
Article reference:
Health-savings as the value and the product of a culture of self-personality work // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 9 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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