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UDC 316.64
Kreyk Alfred Iosifovich1, Komf Evgeniya Valentinovna2
1Federal state budgetary educational establishment of higher education «Novosibirsk state technical university», PhD in Social Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology
2Federal state budgetary educational establishment of higher education «Novosibirsk state technical university», Assistant lecturer of the Department of Sociology
1Federal state budgetary educational establishment of higher education «Novosibirsk state technical university», PhD in Social Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology
2Federal state budgetary educational establishment of higher education «Novosibirsk state technical university», Assistant lecturer of the Department of Sociology
In the article made the analysis of appearance and development of definition “mindset” in different countries. The authors pay attention to variance of interpretations this definition and necessity of further specification of this meaning.
Category: Sociology
Article reference:
The genesis of definition “mindset” // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 9 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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