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UDC 159.9
Romanova Ekaterina Sergeevna
Military Training and Research Center of the Land Forces «Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation»
Candidate of Philology, Master in «Psycho-pedagogical education», lecturer of the department of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines
Military Training and Research Center of the Land Forces «Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation»
Candidate of Philology, Master in «Psycho-pedagogical education», lecturer of the department of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines
The article deals with the problem of preferences in the choice of psychological defense mechanisms by contemporary youth with different levels of religiosity. It is suggested that the religiosity is the resource that enables the use of psychological defense mechanisms to overcome stressful situations. The study revealed a positive correlation between religiosity / churchedness with low adaptive psychological defense − reaction formation. Religious youth are likely to transform negative conditions and feelings into opposing them.
Keywords: adaptive defenses, adaptive mechanisms, churchedness, contemporary youth, level of religiosity, low adaptive and inadaptive defenses., psychological defense, students, style of the protective response
Category: 3. Psychology
Article reference:
Psychological defenses of contemporary youth with different levels of religiosity // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2015. № 11 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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