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UDC 37.061
Lutsyshin Maxim Pavlovich
Nikolaevsk-on-Amur industrial-humanitarian College
Nikolaevsk-on-Amur industrial-humanitarian College
Traditional physical education occupies in the culture of the indigenous people a special place, because physical education of the younger generation is a kind of using national games, competitions and hardening begins even before a child begins to walk the hunter.
With the help of various games high efficiency is maintained and developed in different age periods, strengthens the health and, formed zhiznen¬no important motor qualities and skills brought honesty and courage, teamwork, mutual assistance, will, love of nature and respect for her. The study of national outdoor games allow consistently meet the challenges of the modern physical education of young people, creating a holistic view of physical culture, its features, which are manifested, firstly, to increase efficiency and improve the state of health, and secondly, to increase knowledge of history and culture of different people living in the Far East
Category: Pedagogics
Article reference:
Nordic Games // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2016. № 10 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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