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UDC 378.1
Rybakova Nadezhda Alekseevna
Moscow University named S. U. Vitte
doctor of pedagogical Sciences, head of Department of pedagogy, psychology and socio-humanitarian disciplines
Moscow University named S. U. Vitte
doctor of pedagogical Sciences, head of Department of pedagogy, psychology and socio-humanitarian disciplines
Under the influence of objective and subjective conditions many teachers have a manipulative stereotype of professional activity which doesn't allow them to solve the actual problems facing modern education. For this purpose the teacher has to be the self-staticized personality. In article characteristics of such personality reveal, her concrete components locate. The special attention is paid to the teacher's orientation on self-updating implementation, to a complex of the corresponding personal properties, theoretical and practical experience. At the same time, the importance is attached also to external conditions which are capable both to make active, and to slow down self-updating of the teacher.
Keywords: condition, development, education, manipulator, orientation, person of the future, personality, qualities of the personality, self-updating, society
Category: Pedagogics
Article reference:
The identity of a modern teacher in a developing society // Psychology, sociology and pedagogy. 2016. № 12 [Electronic journal]. URL:
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