The advantages of blended or combined training are justified and proved in the works of modern scholars [5], in particular according to T. Koval the most significant advantage of the complex use of traditional and electronic textbooks, is that such integration lacks the disadvantages of traditional learning, where information technologies are used only as an add-on along with autonomous e-learning, which often lacks direct contact between the subjects of learning, as well as efficiency and productivity that optimize the learning process, flexibility, adaptability to the individual students needs and characteristics; methodical diversity of innovative, teaching methods, modes, forms; ease in organizing the repetition of the studied material; high students motivation etc. [4].
Many researchers (as well as the author of this study) believe that today’s electronic textbooks are not an alternative to traditional editions and can’t completely replace the student’s work with a paper textbook [1]. However, electronic educational resources have a number of advantages, so the modern educational process can’t be imagined without electronic textbooks, dictionaries, tests [2].
The electronic textbook “Elementa Linugae Latinae” (2014) has wide opportunities for combined use in classes and independent work of students during the study of pharmaceutical terminology. Material of the module “Manual” on the relevant topics (“Chemical nomenclature”, “Recipe”, “Dosage forms “) can be used for presentation of educational material, systematization and updating knowledge, the material of the module “Dictionary” can be used during the doing training exercises and control tasks for the translation of pharmaceutical terms and recipes [3].
According to the pharmaceutical tradition, the main parts of the recipe should be written in Latin, so the student must learn not only the components of the recipe in their sequence, but also its grammatical structure, to be able correctly read the recipes in Latin, and to prescribe in Latin the most commonly used in veterinary practice medicines and forms. The active lexical minimum also includes the names of chemical compounds, dosage forms and drugs, medicinal plants, and auxiliary vocabulary.
Introduction to pharmaceutical terminology begins with the study of the topic “Latin Chemical nomenclature”, that is studied in one lesson and has following tasks: to update knowledge about the Latin names of chemical elements; to acquaint students with the rules of the formation of Latin names of oxides, peroxides, hydroxides, acids, salts; to prepare students for writing chemical compounds in the recipe; to promote the formation of terminological competence and professional qualities. After studying the topic, students should know the following: models of formation of oxides, hydroxides and peroxides names, sequence of names of cations and anions in the Latin names of chemical compounds, models of formation acids and salts names; be able to: identify the type of chemical compound, form the Latin names of oxides, hydroxides and peroxides, determine the degree of oxidation in Latin names, form the names of acids and salts, translate the names of chemical compounds from Latin into Ukrainian and vice versa.
Such exercises could be used to develop the skills and abilities: forming the names of acids and salts from a certain component; translation and transformation of the grammatical form in the names of chemical compounds, partial translation, recognition, expanded writing of chemical formulas, etc.
Particular attention should be paid to multicomponent terms. Students study pharmaceutical terminology having some knowledge in Latin grammar and structure of anatomical terms, so exercises on translation could be more difficult in syntactic structure. Very important stage in mastering pharmaceutical terminology is to familiarize students with the structure of the recipe.
The purpose of the first lesson is to familiarize students with the structure of the recipe and the rules for writing of its Latin part. After studying the topic, students should know the following: the definition of “recipe”, types of recipes, parts of the recipe and their Latin names, the model and grammatical structure of the prescription, the rules for writing of the Latin part of the recipe, the sequence of prescribing ingredients in the complex recipe and their Latin names, the basic formulas, additional inscriptions in recipes; be able to: name the Latin parts of the recipe in the correct sequence and clarify their meaning, write in Latin parts of recipe (Invocatio, Designatio materiarum, Subscriptio), use elementary recipe formulas.
The purpose of the second lesson is to systematize knowledge about the structure of the recipe, as a result of which students should know: the basic recipe abbreviation, the topic lexical minimum; be able to: decipher recipe abbreviation, translate recipes from Latin into Ukrainian and vice versa.
For the developing skills and abilities of correct prescription writing the methodology provides a series of exercises and tasks relating to both theoretical and practical aspects. Practical exercises in the recipe are paid extraordinary attention, because the ability to write correctly the Latin part of the recipe should be brought to automatism and fixed at skill level.
An important ability to correctly write endings of the names of medicinal substances is based on a clear knowledge of norms of Latin grammar, which were learned during the study of grammar topics.
It is methodologically justified and efficient to use a negative linguistic material during the development skills for correct prescription writing. As researchers note (N. Katsman, V. Schovkovy), the use of negative linguistic material is aimed at an independent student analysis, which leads to correction and deepening of knowledge, better memorization: typical errors indicate at insufficient learning of the educational material, and also help to identify the potential zone of intervertebral interference [6]. Some exercises for the correction of negative linguistic material are constructed on typical students’ mistakes.
However, all these training exercises should be considered as preparatory ones for most difficult exercises on translations of recipes that require the practical application of knowledge covering almost the whole grammar course material.
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