Articles by keyword «художественный текст»

Articles in journal «Psychology, sociology and pedagogy»

Обучение студентов-инофонов русскому языку как неродному посредством чтения литературных произведений

№ 9 September 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Ostroumova E.V. Linguistic representation of time category in Frances Eliza Burnett’s novel “The Secret Garden”

March, 2015

Babiyan T.V., Samophalova M.V. Syntactic phraseological units as a means of objectivation of the writer’s individual style (based on the works of Roald Dahl)

December, 2015

Bulanova V.S., Trifonova N.S. Pragmatic functions of parenthetic insertions in the works of I.R. McEwan

February, 2016

Telmanov A.M. Literary text in the sphere of medical education

June, 2016

Vodyasova L.P. The role of euphemisms and kakofemism in creating the emotionality of the literary text

June, 2016

Проблема перевода художественной литературы с английского языка на русский язык

November, 2019

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Krylova M.N. The stylistic functions of interjections in the novel B. Akunin "Altyn-tolobas"

August, 2013

Yaylokhanova A.S. Understanding of matchmaking in A.N. Ostrovsky’s literary text

February, 2015

Bulanova V.S., Trifonova N.S. Pragmatic functions of parenthetic insertions in the works of I.R. McEwan

February, 2016

Vodyasova L.P. Etnoaksiological analysis of the works of F.M. Chesnokov

June, 2016

Номинативные предложения в прозе С. Довлатова

May, 2017

Articles in journal «Philology and Literature»

Карасева Ю.А., Фирсова Н.М. Особенности отражения национальной и индивидуально-авторской картин мира в художественном тексте (на материале произведений художественной литературы андских стран: Перу, Боливии и Эквадора)

February, 2012

Krylova M.N. The stylistic functions of interjections in the novel B. Akunin «Fantastika»

August, 2013

Akhmedova S.N.k. The problem of literary translation and rendering stylistic devices by the example of «Alice's Adventures in Wonderland» by Lewis Carroll

February, 2014

Akhmedova S.N.k. The precedent of artistic text

September, 2014

Vodyasova L.P. The synthesis of volume-pragmatic and structural-semantic types of divisions of the text (based on the novel the People's writer of Mordovia K. G. Abramov «Stepan Erzya»)

October, 2015