Articles by keyword «стресс»

Articles in journal «Psychology, sociology and pedagogy»

Словесные перепалки: основы эффективного поведения в ситуации хамства, сарказма, оскорблений...

№ 2 February 2013 | Category: 3. Psychology

Стресс: психологические основы и методы снятия

№ 2 February 2013 | Category: 3. Psychology

Индивидуально-психологические особенности склонности к стрессу

№ 4 April 2015 | Category: 3. Psychology

Bailiff’s strategy to cope of a stress

№ 5 May 2015 | Category: 3. Psychology

Особенности совладающего поведения в профессионально трудных ситуациях у сотрудников коммерческих организаций

№ 9 September 2015 | Category: 3. Psychology

Проблема психологического здоровья студентов

№ 9 September 2015 | Category: 3. Psychology

Professional stress: specifics of emergence and its psychologist — economic consequences

№ 5 May 2016 | Category: 3. Psychology

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Елисеева Е.В., Пермяков А.А., Юдицкий А.Д., Брыляков А.В. Системная реакция организма на сенсорный стресс различного генеза

May, 2012

Levchenko V.V., Zaev P.I. Influence of stress on the success of athletes' sports activities

November, 2012

Tsimbalov M.Y., Tatarintseva R.Y. The effectiveness of an integrated approach using the methods of traditional medicine in the correction of the female body in after-birth period

September, 2013

Permyakov A. A., Eliseeva E.V., Yuditskii A.D., Isakova L.S. EEG correlates of rat's behavior in chronic stress

October, 2013

Tatarintseva R.Ya., Lebedeva E.Yu., Panov G.A., Apriamashvili G.G. Сomplex approach in the prevention and treatment of back pain in the postpartum period

December, 2013

Oparina O.N. A stress as the reason of endotoxic aggression in athletes

March, 2014

Oparina O.N. The role played by the endotoxin released by Gram-negative intestinal bacteria in physiological and pathological manifestations of stress

May, 2014

Lebedeva T.E. Stress management professionals working in the field of service and tourism

November, 2014

Isakova L.S., Yuditskiy A.D., Permyakov A.A. Spatial and temporal patterns of behavior of rats with various prognostic stress resistance in the test "open field"

January, 2015

Kozlov A.S. Study of enzymes sprouting activity of seeds fenugreek in conditions of termostress

June, 2015

Sharafutdinova K.E., Shigabetdinova G.M. Determination of coping-strategies different methods

December, 2015

Tvetkova A.N. The part of stress in your life

March, 2016

Zagorskiy V.A. Kinds of dental patients’ conflict behavior and the prevention of their occurrence and relief

September, 2016

Sysoev P.G., Mingalimova A.R., Volynin I.S. Burnout syndrome among tuberculosis specialists

March, 2017

Преодоление стресса у студентов в период сессии путем организации самостоятельных занятий физической культурой

December, 2017

Управление стрессом

January, 2018

Психическое здоровье

March, 2018

Стресс: причины и признаки

July, 2020

Изучение особенностей стресса у специалистов учреждения для детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья

November, 2020

Сахарный диабет: психосоматика заболевания

January, 2022

Этиопатофизиологические аспекты послеродовой депрессии (обзор литературы)

February, 2023

Влияние физической культуры на учебную деятельность студентов

July, 2023

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Shalova S.Y. Manifestation of properties of temperament of students in a stressful situation

November, 2013

Mullabaev R.Y. Causes of conflict and methods of overcoming them in the touristic business

September, 2015

Malikov L.V., Usynina T.P., Stepanova N.V. Characteristics of victim behavior of students with different level of stress tolerance

February, 2017

Трансформация субъективного времени в экстремальных ситуациях у сотрудников правоохранительных органов

October, 2017

Articles in journal «Researches in Science»

Permjakov A.A., Yuditskiy A.D. The program for the processing of the experimental data in animal testing in the "open field"

September, 2013

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Elena A., Alexandr D., Elena K., Svetlana K. Methods of lowering a stress level by the high school lecturer on a work

May, 2014

Feofilova M.R. Problems of study of influence of typical situations of vital functions of schoolboy on his emotional state

February, 2016

Shestopalova A.L. Emotional burnout in the implementation of employment

February, 2017