Articles by keyword «task»

Articles in journal «Psychology, sociology and pedagogy»

Некоторые способы постановки и решения проблемных и продуктивных задач в структуре изучения курса «Введение в педагогическую деятельность» будущими педагогами по физической культуре

№ 12 December 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Sokolova A.V. Tasks for development of information competence of students of pedagogical universities (on the example of study of the course «Professional ethics in psychological-pedagogical activity»)

August, 2014

Glushchenko V.V. The task of optimizing the level of information openness/secrecy in the activities of a commercial organization

May, 2021

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Terskikh A.P. To the question of teaching students solving tasks simulation optimization by sampling

November, 2014

Ivanov A.Y. Formation of surface of rotation with 3D modeling

April, 2015

Gryzlova M.S., Novikova i.N. The teaching of informatics in the context of project management

June, 2015

Pokhorukov O.Y., Domullojanov H.B., Schwarzkopf E.Y. Some possibilities of determination of the category "education" in the structure of the training of future teachers of physical culture

November, 2015

Pokhorukov O.Y., Sodikov A.S., Schwarzkopf E.Y. Features category determination "learning" model of training future teachers

December, 2015