Articles by keyword «types of speech activity»

Articles in journal «Psychology, sociology and pedagogy»

Интегрированные учебные программы в профильном преподавании иностранного языка в техническом вузе

№ 9 September 2014 | Category: Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Kargina E.M. Motivational influence of training in different types of foreign-language speech activity in their interrelation

March, 2015

Kargina E.M. System of work on development and enrichment of foreign-language communication at technical higher education institution

May, 2015

Kargina E.M. Functional differentiation of lexical material in the course of teaching a foreign language at not language higher education institution

June, 2015

Rasskazova L.V. Use of oral speech tasks on classes of a foreign language

September, 2015

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Kargina E.M. Features of selection and organization of language material for a profile course of a foreign language

November, 2014

Kargina E.M. Role of out-of-class reading in the course of formation at students of fact-finding reading skills in a foreign language

January, 2015