Articles by keyword «здоровьесбережение»

Articles in journal «Psychology, sociology and pedagogy»

Адаптивное педагогическое знание в модели подготовки будущего педагога по физической культуре

№ 10 October 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Исторический подход в исследовании возможностей детерминации и оптимизации идей здоровьесберегающей педагогики

№ 3 March 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Курс «История педагогики и образования» в модели профессионального становления личности

№ 7 July 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Самореализация личности как социально-педагогическая проблема

№ 7 July 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Педагогическое сотрудничество и поддержка в работе тренера по плаванию

№ 3 March 2017 | Category: Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Ostryakova S.V., Ostryakov I.A., Salnikov A.E. Pedagogical practice of future teachers of physical culture in the model of health-savings and productive personality

July, 2015

Belinskaya A.V., Svinarenko V.G., Kozyreva O.A. The specificity and quality of the research challenges and opportunities for implementation of health saving ideas in educational and extra-curricular work with students

April, 2016

Belinskaya A.V., Kozyreva O.A. Socialization and self-realization of personality in the development of pedagogy constructs

May, 2016

Belinskaya A.V., Kozyreva O.A. Socialization and self-realization of personality constructs in pedagogy of physical culture and sports

May, 2016

Evseev F.A., Dorovskih I.G. Theoretical basis of readiness of the future teachers to use health saving AFC in improving students

June, 2016

Salnikov A.E., Ostryakova S.V. Social pedagogy in vocational training model of the future teacher of physical culture

August, 2016

Galynin A.A. Psychological and pedagogical basis for the formation of the need for health savings in the student

April, 2017

Региональная система здравоохранения как объект государственного управления и стратегического планирования

February, 2022

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Alena I.K. The use of art technologies at the lessons of foreign languages

December, 2013

Bobrovskaya J.K., Kozyreva O.A. Features of determination «education» category in the study of the structure of the course «Theoretical Pedagogy»

April, 2016

Guseva R.B., Kozyreva O.A. Health-saving as a product of modern pedagogical theory and practice of solving problems of socialization and personal fulfillment

April, 2016

Belinskaya A.V., Kozyreva O.A. Socialization and self-realization of personality constructs in social pedagogy

May, 2016

Belinskaya A.V., Kozyreva O.A. Health-savings in modeling constructs of modern pedagogical and educational activities

May, 2016

Ostryakov A.I., Ostryakova S.V. Didactic test: adaptive and acme pedagogical model in the structure of professional development and formation of the personality of the teacher

July, 2016

Ostryakov A.I., Ostryakova S.V. Socialization of the person in the model of adaptive and acme of pedagogical knowledge

August, 2016

Ostryakova S.V., Svinarenko V.G., Maykut I.A. Pedagogical modeling in the work of the trainer

March, 2017

Grib A.V. Some features of determination and implementation of the principles, goals and objectives of health-saving technologies

March, 2017

Yerokhin A.V. Possibilities of use of health-technology in the pedagogical process

April, 2017

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Kirillova A.I. The formation of emotional intelligence at the lessons of foreign languages

February, 2014

Apanasova A.S. Some features of the definition and study opportunities to organize extracurricular, health-scientific and research work of students of rural schools

June, 2015

Kasatkina S.A. Non-traditional methods of health preservation: experience of the “Universe of beauty” studio

July, 2015

Zheltukhina M.U., Musaeva T.M. The secrets of developing a real or General health Service cadet school

October, 2015

Lyubova E.V., Shesterina I.E., Zavyalova I.N., Mikhailova S.V., Oparinа S.A. Formation model of pedagogical interaction «School - health-resource center activities preventative»

December, 2015

Starchenko D.V., Zubanov V.P., Svinarenko V.G. Fundamentals of socialization of the student in the model development and self-development and self-realization health-saving

February, 2016

Maykut I.A., Ostryakova S.V. Educational activity as a construct of identity formation learner: determination and models

July, 2016

Salnikov A.E., Ostryakova S.V. Features specification category "education" in the model of vocational teacher education

July, 2016

Ostryakov A.I., Ostryakova S.V. Professional formation of the person of the future teacher in the structure of learning the basics of pedagogical knowledge

July, 2016

Ostryakov A.I., Ostryakova S.V. Historical and pedagogical value in facilitating the adaptation and implementation of the ideas of humanism

July, 2016

Lyubova E.V., Shesterina I.E., Zavyalova I.N., Mikhailova S.V., Boltacheva E.A., Oparinа S.A. The activities of the Resource Centre for Gifted Children Health

August, 2016

Musohranova A.A., Musohranova N.V. Detailing nuances determination foundations of pedagogical interaction of the teacher's work

October, 2016

Zhiharev V.A. Health savings as a construct of personality development in the continuing education model

January, 2017

Maykut I.A., Ostryakova S.V., Svinarenko V.G. Pedagogical self-improvement and self-realization modeling in the work of the trainer

March, 2017

Возможности использования педагогического моделирования в решении задач здоровьесбережения как ценности и продукта развития непрерывного образования

June, 2017