Articles by keyword «гуманизм»

Articles in journal «Psychology, sociology and pedagogy»

Становление финской школы: влияние идей гуманизма и американской демократии

№ 3 March 2013 | Category: Pedagogics

Возможности исследования специфики и качества социализации и самореализации обучающихся, занимающихся настольным теннисом

№ 9 September 2014 | Category: Pedagogics

Некоторые особенности социализации и самореализации спортсмена, занимающегося вольной борьбой

№ 1 January 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Некоторые особенности изучения основ рукопашного боя будущими педагогами по физической культуре

№ 4 April 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Некоторые педагогические условия социализации и самореализации обучающихся ДЮСШ

№ 4 April 2015 | Category: Common rubric

Некоторые возможности моделирования портфолио обучающегося, занимающегося регби, и специфика разработки профессионально-педагогических кейсов тренера-преподавателя по регби

№ 6 June 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Здоровьесбережение как ценность и продукт формирования культуры самостоятельной работы личности

№ 9 September 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Специальное воспитание как продукт современной культуры и образования

№ 12 December 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Основы здоровьесберегающей педагогики в структуре занятий с обучающимися, занимающимися настольным теннисом

№ 5 May 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Специальное воспитание как условие гуманизации современного образования

№ 5 May 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Воспитание как модель, продукт и условие современной культуры и образования

№ 6 June 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Социализация как механизм оптимизации условий развития личности в модели непрерывного образования

№ 8 August 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Педагогическая деятельность как модель и категория современной педагогики

№ 2 February 2017 | Category: Pedagogics

Возможности использования педагогического моделирования в решении задач курса «Теоретическая педагогика»

№ 3 March 2017 | Category: Pedagogics

Некоторые аспекты моделирования портфолио обучающегося в начальных классах

№ 6 June 2017 | Category: Pedagogics

Возможности, модели и условия формирования потребности личности в культуре здоровья

№ 7 July 2017 | Category: Pedagogics

Articles in journal «Modern Scientific Researches and Innovations»

Ageeva N.A. Spiritual ties as an important factor of formation and developing of a civil society

April, 2015

Boikova I.V., Schwarzkopf E.Y., Parshin Y.A. Some features of the culture of independent work of future teacher of physical culture in the structure of the study course "History of pedagogics and education"

September, 2015

Zubanov V.P., Frolov M.P., Svinarenko V.G. The specificity of the productive ideas of formation and development of a future teacher: models, history, and practice

September, 2015

Salomatina E.B., Salomatin A.G., Svinarenko V.G. The possibility of determination of humanism and health of savings in the work of the teacher of physical culture

September, 2015

Isjurova M.V., Boikova I.V., Zubanov V.P. The specificity and potential of pedagogical modeling to the preparation and organization of modern education of students

October, 2015

Svinarenko V.G., Salomatin A.G., Salomatina E.B. Determination of the ideas of the professional self-development of the teacher in the model of continuous professional education

October, 2015

Shchukin P.S., Zubanov V.P., Kondakova K.S. The specificity of the basics are in place, the implementation of the idea of adaptive and activerelation preparation of future teacher of physical culture

October, 2015

Shilovskaya N.S., Kolobova M.D. The concept of truth of N. Kuzansky in the light of humanity and anthropocentrism

December, 2015

Zubanov V.P., Permyakov S.M., Svinarenko V.G. Adaptability science-knowledge and training as a value and a product of modern culture and education

February, 2016

Lyssenko K.N. Axiological aspect of health care and educational systems modernization

March, 2016

Nazheva M.I. Topical issues of prevention of cardio-vascular diseases

March, 2016

Goncharov A.V., Trifonova G.A. Features of bioethical issues in oncology depending on the prognosis of the disease

June, 2016

Ageeva N.A. Bioethical measurement of transition of the "biology age" to the "anthropology age"

June, 2016

Borodkin I.Y., Shishkina T.I. Education as a construct of personality development in traditional and innovative pedagogy

August, 2016

Inozemtseva E.V., Zubanov V.P., Svinarenko V.G. Adaptive pedagogy in solving the problems of formation of humanism and personal fulfillment

February, 2017

Ganbarli R.M.o. The possibilities of socialization of the individual in the model of continuous education and sport

March, 2017

Ryzhkov A.S. The possibilities of using pedagogical modeling in determining the foundations of socialization and self-realization of the individual through physical culture and sport

April, 2017

Elert T.S. A class hour as the basic form of the organization of modern upbringing in school

April, 2017

Kushnarev S.S. Some aspects of the use of pedagogical modeling the structure determination of "socialization" category

April, 2017

Возможности использования педагогического моделирования в решении задач социализации и самореализации личности в каратэ

June, 2017

Социализация личности обучающегося в спортивной гимнастике: определения, принципы, модели и педагогические условия

June, 2017

Возможности социализации и самореализации в женском бодибилдинге

June, 2017

О развитии идей гуманизма в контексте европейской научной мысли

September, 2017

Articles in journal «Humanities Scientific Researches»

Dorofeev M.V., Dorofeeva N.V., Kozyreva O.A. Capability and quality modeling concepts and pedagogical tools for future teachers by athletic as a social-pedagogical problem

December, 2014

Ageeva N.A. On the way from the “biology age” to the “anthropology age”

December, 2014

Salomatin A.G., Salomatina E.B., Svinarenko V.G. The specifics and nuances of socialization and self-realization of the student and teacher in the system of continuous professional education

September, 2015

Grebleva M.V. The development of the Olympic movement, the problem of humanization of high performance sport

October, 2015

Zubanov V.P., Shishkina V.A., Svinarenko V.G. The history and possibilities of building a culture of independent work of the student models in modern vocational pedagogical education

December, 2015

Kuchkovsky P.V. The sophists — the ancient humanists and relativists or anthropologists and paradoksologists

February, 2016

Shekurov E., Solovieva E.V. Educational activity in the constructs of the training process in rugby

July, 2016

Probin P.S. About the problems of perception of Francois Rabelais and Venedikt Erofeev creativity at the present stage. Philosophical subject of the travel in the works «Moscow-Petushki» and «Gargantua and of Pantagruel»

March, 2017

Kavtasieva N.V. Opportunities and models for the development of a portfolio of middle-level students

March, 2017

Kozachenko O.V. Opportunities and pedagogical conditions for the socialization of students of primary school age through physical education

March, 2017

Grib A.V. Some features of determination and implementation of the principles, goals and objectives of health-saving technologies

March, 2017

Yerokhin A.V. Possibilities of use of health-technology in the pedagogical process

April, 2017

Malyutina S.Y. Models of socialization and self-realization of personality in the system of physical education, physical culture and sports

April, 2017

Danilova V.S. The possibilities of solving the problems of the socialization of the personality of the student through rugby

April, 2017

Некоторые особенности использования метода анкетирования в работе педагога по ФК

May, 2017

Некоторые аспекты и модели использования самоанализа деятельности педагога

June, 2017

Западная культура: проблемы и противоречия

January, 2018

Articles in journal «Philology and Literature»

Pavlyuk N.L. Yu. Mushketyk's historical heritage: the specific of the ontological paradigm

March, 2014

Bogdanova J.Z. Situation of a moral choice: Viktor Astafyev "Sheppard and His Wife" and Valentin Rasputin "Live and Remember

September, 2015

Articles in journal «Modern Pedagogy»

Tikhomirov I.V., Sedova C.S. The specificity of the determination of the basis of social knowledge in the structure of training of future teachers of physical culture

November, 2014

Yudintseva P.V. Some aspects of the determination and optimization of pedagogical interaction resources in practice table tennis

November, 2014

Yudintseva P.V., Permyakov S.M., Zubanov V.P. Some features of productive self-realization of students involved in table tennis

February, 2015

Bazarnyi K.G., Sedova C.S., Zubanov V.P. The specificity of the determination of the basics of socialization, self-development and self-realization in the structure learning opportunities for sport pedagogy

March, 2015

Nedzinskaya O.A. Historical and statistical analysis of the survey of students sports school in the formulation and solution of problems of personality development

April, 2015

Isjurova M.V., Boikova I.V., Zubanov V.P. The historical approach in the determination and visualization of the possibilities of pedagogical activity in the modern model of professional-pedagogical training

October, 2015

Shishkina V.A., Zubanov V.P., Svinarenko V.G. Some productive opportunities of self-realization of students in the model of modern education

December, 2015

Zubarev A.V., Zubanov V.P., Svinarenko V.G. The practice of determination of the category "education" in the formulation and solution of professional-pedagogical activity tasks

April, 2016

Borodkin I.Y., Shishkina T.I. Facilitation as a category of pedagogy of physical culture and sports

August, 2016

Borodkin I.Y., Shishkina T.I. Simulation of the system of education principles in the course of studying the structure of "Methods of educational work" and the course "Basics counselor at a summer camp"

September, 2016

Musohranova A.A., Musohranova N.V. Detailing nuances determination foundations of pedagogical interaction of the teacher's work

October, 2016

Kechaeva D.A. Simulation system of principles of pedagogical interaction as a social and professional problems

October, 2016

Shishkina V.A., Zubanov V.P., Svinarenko V.G. Features of the organization of pedagogical interaction in the work of the teacher of physical culture

October, 2016

Avilova A.V. Features of the determination and specification of generated ideals of teaching activities

October, 2016

Stavropolsky Y.V. The Distribution of the Confucian Philosophy in Korea

October, 2016

Askarova A.R., Zubanov V.P., Svinarenko V.G. Features productive training in modeling tier technology

February, 2017

Zakharov A.V. The socialization of the student engaged in sports tourism

March, 2017

Bondarenko Y.V., Lapygina Y.V., Loginova N.V. Possibilities of using pedagogical modeling in solving problems of pedagogical activity

March, 2017

Balandov K.G. Investigation of the features of socialization of students as a social problem (for example, hockey lessons)

March, 2017

Kamzarakov A.S. Some opportunities and pedagogical conditions of socialization in sport

March, 2017

Zakharova D.V. The opportunities and pedagogical conditions of socialization of students involved in football

March, 2017

Chuvashov S.Y. Opportunities and models of socialization of the learner, engaged in boxing

March, 2017

Timoshenko I.V. The opportunities and pedagogical conditions of socialization of students involved in football

March, 2017

Luzgin D.A. Some opportunities and pedagogical conditions of socialization and self-learning, playing football

March, 2017

Arbuzov A.O. Specificity of detection and determination of pedagogical conditions of socialization in sport

March, 2017

Педагогические условия социализации и самореализации личности в гандболе как продукт саморазвития тренера

May, 2017

Особенности и содержание процесса моделирования классного часа в работе педагога по физической культуре

May, 2017

Возможности моделирования профессионально-педагогических презентаций в работе педагога по физической культуре

May, 2017

Education as a means and product of development: models and practices in the work of a teacher in physical education

June, 2017

Некоторые особенности изучения основ социализации и самореализации личности в хоккее

June, 2017

Возможности использования педагогического моделирования в решении задач здоровьесбережения как ценности и продукта развития непрерывного образования

June, 2017

Некоторые аспекты детерминации и исследования моделей социализации и самореализации личности в легкой атлетике

June, 2017

Инновационная педагогика в работе педагога физической культуры как механизм оптимизации успешности и конкурентоспособности

July, 2017

Возможности уточнения и исследования процессов социализации и самореализации личности в боевом самбо

July, 2017

Возможности использования педагогического моделирования в формировании толерантности и гуманизма как конструктов и средств решения задач развитии личности и общества

July, 2017

Психолого-педагогические основы продуктивного обучения в структуре занятий физической культурой и спортом

August, 2017

Articles in journal «Portal of Scientific and Practical Publications»

Проблемы морали и нравственности в контексте развития современной культуры Великого Новгорода.

October, 2015