Articles in «English»

Paroemia as cultural sign of language (on the example of proverbs of Russian language)

№ 2 November 2011 | Category: Common rubric

Law and its interpretation

№ 1 January 2013 | Category: Sociology

International Terrorism: Modern War

№ 1 January 2013 | Category: Sociology

О работе мозга в общем виде

№ 8 August 2013 | Category: Common rubric

“Education through the game” model implementation

№ 6 June 2014 | Category: Pedagogics

Relate to improving self-esteem at a special needs school for emotionally disturbed adolescents in Turkey

№ 6 June 2014 | Category: 3. Psychology

Research of didactic systems with use of methods of computer modelling

№ 7 July 2014 | Category: Pedagogics

Culture of language as a guarantee of successful professional communication

№ 12 December 2014 | Category: Pedagogics

Current problems employment of graduates of economic faculty the First Cossack University in the modernization of the country’s economy

№ 12 December 2014 | Category: Pedagogics

A retrospective view on the beginnings of modern art education among the Serbs

№ 12 December 2014 | Category: Pedagogics

Interoception and human behavior

№ 4 April 2015 | Category: 3. Psychology

The formation of younger school students’ interest to a foreign language

№ 5 May 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Bailiff’s strategy to cope of a stress

№ 5 May 2015 | Category: 3. Psychology

Interdisciplinary communication as the basis of creating profissionsional-orienteted textbooks for foreign language practicals

№ 6 June 2015 | Category: Pedagogics

Professional stress: specifics of emergence and its psychologist — economic consequences

№ 5 May 2016 | Category: 3. Psychology

The use of e-learning technology in teaching foreign languages

№ 9 September 2016 | Category: Pedagogics

Lewis C.A., Khukhrin M.S., Galyautdinova S.I., Musharraf S., Lewis M.J. К вопросу о русском переводе сокращённой шкалы депрессии-счастья

№ 5 May 2017 | Category: 3. Psychology

Lewis C.A., Khukhrin M.S., Galyautdinova S.I., Musharraf S., Lewis M.J. К вопросу о русском переводе Шкалы Позитивного Функционирования

№ 10 October 2017 | Category: 3. Psychology

Lewis C.A., Galyautdinova S.I., Safina Z.M., Filimonova E.A. К вопросу о башкирском и русском переводе вопроса Алистера Харди о религиозном опыте

№ 1 January 2018 | Category: 3. Psychology

Balalaieva O.Y. Methodical techniques of using the electronic textbook in the training of veterinary students in pharmaceutical terminology

№ 6 June 2018 | Category: Pedagogics